About kd

A Buddhist and a Physicist interested in looking at the role of constraints in the dynamics of mental states and events and leaning on the role of constraints , in physics, on the propogation of physical states and events.


I find the language used to describe principles and experiences in Buddhism difficult. I’m not in tune with how it is generally expressed. So I’ve found myself putting together a kind personal lexicon based on my own experience of life and Buddhist practise. This is coloured by my learning and training in the physical sciences and technology.

My deeper concepts resonate with ideas from Statistical mechanics and Quantum Mechanics especially as expressed in Solid State Physics, So this lexicon borrows heavily from there where I am mentally most at home. It has terms like; State, Occupancy, and  propagation. It also has a mathematical decription that describes the time dependent dynamics of states and their occupancy by appearing electrons. 

I use some of the ideas and  language ftom physics to describe. to myself, mental appearances arising or propagating in dynamic of mental states DOMS.

I’m hoping that as I sumit my musings to text here that a more concrete picture of describing DOMS in terms of des riptions from solid state and statistical physics. Let’s see

The Quieting Mind

There is point on the journey of Buddhist practice where the mind becomes more resiliant and able to be with direct experience without reponsing with immediate reactivity but rather able to immediately respond from a more empathic and creative mental space with a wider scope of begign response.

Probably, Base Camp in Buddhism is the mind beginning to be able to open up to direct experiences from the senses and from the mind itself ,feeling, thoughts, desires and emotions; and respond with a relatively unperturbed receptivity where presumptions , agenda and reactivity are qui at least for a while.